Virginia Court Clerks' Association

Serving Virginia's Circuit Court Clerks since 1910


Clerks in Action

Several circuit court clerks gathered in Richmond recently for the annual meeting of the Virginia Constitutional Officers Association, referred to as VALECO.  John T. Frey, clerk of the circuit court in Fairfax County was elected as 2nd Vice-President of the  VALECO.    VCCA President Randy Carter, clerk of the circuit court for the City of Suffolk was also present for the annual meeting and he later led the meeting of the executive board of the Virginia Court Clerks' Association.  Pictured above are several circuit court clerks who attended the VALECO meeting and VCCA executive board meetings.   From left to right:   Barrett Chappell, Dinwiddie County; Erica Williams, Montgomery County; Gary M. Clemens, Loudoun County; Tricia Moore, Washington County; and Chaz Evans-Haywood, Rockingham County/City of Harrisonburg.


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